Page 77 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 77

Interenergo  Accounting report  Interenergo  Accounting report

 Movement of values relating to the right-of-use the assets  Investments in subsidiaries

 2020  2019  Company’s non-current investments in subsidiaries comprise following:

 Real   Real                                       Carrying amount of                      Net profit or loss of
 in EUR  properties  equipment  Total  properties  equipment  Total  the investment  Equity of subsidiary   the subsidiary
 Purchase cost
                                           Equity   31 Dec    31 Dec    31 Dec    31 Dec
 Balance at 1 Jan  363,702  126,883  490,586  325,254  84,183  409,437  in EUR  interest   2020  2019  2020  2019  2020  2019
 Additions   0  47,999  47,999  38,448  46,900  85,348
             EHE d.o.o., BA                100%         0     976,383  7,314,024  6,592,555  -1,469,161  -286,792
 Changes   479  0  479  0  -4,199  -4,199  Interenergo d.o.o., BA  100%  399,105  399,105  587,744  524,154  63,590  114,419
 Disposals  0  -36,856  -36,856  0  0  0  PLC Interenergo d.o.o., RS  100%  400,000  0  863,250  459,420  2,807  4,288
 Balance at 31 Dec   364,182  138,026  502,208  363,702  126,883  490,586  •  *Hidrowatt d.o.o., RS  89%  -  -  579,529  531,210  47,307  60,264
 Accumulated depreciation  •  *Hydro Ljutina d.o.o., RS  100%  -  -    918,581        -     -185,149       -

 Balance at 1 Jan  -126,285  -38,501  -164,786  0  0  0  Interenergo Makedonija d.o.o.e.l., MK  100%  258,613  258,613  121,855  118,120  5,718  117,803
 Depreciation   -137,802  -43,456  -181,258  -126,285  -38,501  -164,786  LSB Elektrane d.o.o., BA  100%  0  0  0  -2,078,824  -147,520  -490,240
 Disposals   0  31,589  31,589  0  0  0  Inter-Energo d.o.o., BA  100%  2,667,530  2,667,530  6,881,040  7,000,716  -119,676  17,717
 Balance at 31 Dec  -264,087  -50,368  -314,455  -126,285  -38,501  -164,786  MHE Vrbnica d.o.o., ME  70%  7,000  7,000  -934,272  -96,714  -837,557  -35,407

 Carrying amount  Interenergo d.o.o.-Kosova Sh.p.k., XK  100%  10,000  10,000  -10,869  -6,571  -4,298  -3,492
 Balance at 1 Jan  237,417  88,382  325,800  325,254  84,183  409,437  Lumbardhi Beteiligungs GmbH, AT  90%  3,793,240  7,531,500  3,917,303  8,342,493  -4,425,189  -1,850
 Balance at 31 Dec   100,095  87,659  187,753  237,417  88,382  325,800  •  *KelKos Energy Sh.p.k., XK  90%  -  -  -3,219,800  2,027,845  -5,247,645  -4,613,371
             Eko-toplota energetika d.o.o., SI  100%  1,740,563   1   1,305,696  -103,993   -155,968   -32,093
 Lease-related expenditure  •  *Ekoenergo d.o.o., SI  100%  -     -    430,678        -      -8,068        -

             Vjetropark Jasenice d.o.o., HR  100%  3,194,111  3,182,908  1,021,571  975,677  60,416   -108,297
 in EUR  2020  2019
             Zarja ekoenergija d.o.o., SI  100%         0     239,562       0     64,657         0     -44,549
 Amounts recognised in the income statement  Solarne elektrane Bukovica d.o.o, HR  100%  489,381  255,381  -33,202  -24,111  -9,449  -2,972

 Interest on lease liabilities  4,102  3,622  Vjetroelektrana Orjak d.o.o., HR  100%  12,062,904  0  2,899,259  -  0  -
 Costs for current leases for which the right of use the asset was not recognised  11,569  15,214  Osen toplota d.o.o., SI  100%  553,273  0  61,130  -  0  -
 Lease related costs of minor value for which the right of use the asset was not   Solarne elektrane Nin d.o.o., HR  80%  130,936  0  1,014  -  0  -
 recognised  200,929  190,893
             Total                               25,706,657  15,527,984  22,704,533  24,326,634  -12,429,844  -5,304,572
 Amounts recognised in the statement of cash flows
 Cash flows from leases   187,053  170,416  * Indirect ownership.

 2.4.3  Non-current investments  The Company acquired in December a 100% equity interest in Vjetroelektrana Orjak, d.o.o., which owns a wind
            farm in Croatia, an 80% equity interest in Solarne elektrane Nin, d.o.o., where it will develop a new solar power
            plant project in Croatia, and a 100% equity interest in the company Osen toplota, which owns a wood biomass
 in EUR  31 Dec 2020  31 Dec 2019  district heating system in the municipality of Pivka. Further, the Company increased the capital in companies
            Eko-toplota energetika, d.o.o., EHE d.o.o., and Vjetroelektrana Orjak, d.o.o. by converting long-term loans into
 Non-current investments  88,839,837  58,967,860
            capital in 2020, and merged LSB Elektrane, d.o.o. to EHE, d.o.o. and the Zarja ekoenergija, d.o.o. to the company
 Investments in subsidiaries  25,706,657  15,527,984  Eko-toplota energetika, d.o.o.
 Non-current loans granted  63,133,181  43,439,876

 74  Integrated Annual Report 2020                                             Integrated Annual Report 2020  75
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82