Page 93 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 93

Interenergo  Accounting report  Interenergo  Accounting report

 The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum exposure to credit risk, and at the reporting   in EUR  31 Dec 2020  31 Dec 2019
 date amounted as follows:
               Impairment of trade receivables, contract assets and other assets, recognised in the
               income statement                                                         1,103           4,697
 in EUR  31 Dec 2020  31 Dec 2019  Impairment of derivatives (assets), recognised in the income statement  36,674  73,102
 Non-current loans granted  63,133,181  43,439,876
 Non-current receivables  55,453  59,130  In 2019, the Company measured expected credit losses based on a matrix formed by applying the age intervals
 Current investments  4,593,239  3,110,672  of receivables. In 2020, the Company switched to a new model based on the individual assessment of each
            customer. The 12-month probability of default (PD) or the probability of default over the life of the financial asset
 Derivatives (assets)  5,293,775  8,389,941
            is determined based on data of the Moody’s credit rating agency. The loss generated on default (LGD) is set at
 Trade receivables  25,031,786  25,380,082  90%, except when the instrument is financially impaired, in which case the value is estimated on the basis of
 Cash and cash equivalents  8,432,215  6,055,013  the expected contractual cash flows. The Company recognises expected credit losses for unsecured assets as
            well as for secured assets, as it receives 90% of the value of secured receivables from the insurance company
 Total  106,539,648  86,434,714
            on the basis of a credit insurance contract if the customer fails to pay. For the secured part of receivables, the
            probability of default of the insurance company is taken into account, which is also estimated on the basis of
 Impairment of trade receivables, contract assets and derivatives (assets)  data from the credit rating agency Moody’s or S&P.

 As part of the credit risk management process, the Company determines credit limits for customers based
 on credit ratings of internationally recognized credit rating agencies (Moody’s) and internal creditworthiness   Secured   Unsecured
 testing. Based on internally adopted policies, the risk management department analyses and classifies the   Rate of   Rate of
 customer into one of seven credit rating classes before starting business operations and checks the possibility   weighted   Expected   weighted   Expected
 of assigning a credit limit to the insurance company, on the basis of which customer’s receivables are included   v EUR  Gross value  loss  credit loss  Gross value  loss  credit loss
 in credit insurance. Approved limits are checked and supplemented on an ongoing basis. The ratings of all   Trade receivables  9,958,697  0.01%  -1,189  15,928,227  4.93%  -785,683
 customers are updated annually. A review of customer credit assessment procedures is also carried out on
 an annual basis and a formal opinion on compliance is obtained.  Very low credit risk  0  0.00%  0  509,798  0.00%  0
 Customers are ranked in seven credit rating classes:  Low credit risk  0  0.00%  0  11,099,976  0.00%  -312
               Certain credit risk        1,272,951     0.00%         -56    1,616,977      0.01%       -223
 •   Class 1 (very good credit rating - very low credit risk), equivalent to Moody’s credit ratings from Aaa to A2;
               Medium credit risk         7,919,961     0.01%        -887    1,436,855      0.07%       -944
 •   Class 2 (high credit rating - low credit risk), equivalent to Moody’s A3 credit rating;
               Significant credit risk     533,129      0.04%        -200      62,708       0.21%       -131
 •   Class 3 (good credit rating - certain credit risk), equivalent to Moody’s credit ratings from Baa1 to Baa3;
               High credit risk                 0       0.00%           0          0        0.00%          0
 •   Class 4 (medium credit rating - medium credit risk), equivalent to Moody’s credit ratings from Ba1 to Ba3;
               Very high credit risk       223,721      0.02%         -46      782,668    100.00%    -782,668
 •   Class 5 (speculative credit rating - significant credit risk), equivalent to Moody’s credit ratings from B1 to   Credit rating is not available  8,935  0.00%  0  419,244  0.34%  -1,405
               Contract assets                  0       0.00%          0     2,500,931     0.00%         -70
 •   Class 6 (low credit rating - high credit risk), equivalent to Moody’s credit rating Caa1;
               Very low credit risk             0       0.00%           0    2,347,612      0.00%          0
 •   Class 7 (very low credit rating - very high credit risk), equivalent to Moody’s credit ratings from Caa2 to C.
               Low credit risk                  0       0.00%           0      108,000      0.00%         -3
 Transactions are concluded only with customers classified within the credit rating Class 3 (good credit rating)   Certain credit risk  0  0.00%  0  0  0.00%  0
 and higher, which represents a credit rating of Baa3 and higher according to Moody’s. Trading with partners
 in lower classes is possible in cases where they provide additional collateral, such as corporate guarantees,   Medium credit risk  0  0.00%  0  0  0.00%  0
 bank guarantees, deposits or other forms of collateral that can significantly reduce the credit risk of the buyer.  Significant credit risk  0  0.00%  0  0  0.00%  0
               High credit risk                 0       0.00%           0          0        0.00%          0

               Very high credit risk            0       0.00%           0          0        0.00%          0
               Credit rating is not available   0       0.00%           0      45,318       0.15%        -66
               Other assets                     0       0.00%          0     8,707,255     0.01%        -585
             Total                        9,958,697     0.01%       -1,189  27,136,413     2.90%     -786,338

 90  Integrated Annual Report 2020                                             Integrated Annual Report 2020  91
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98