Page 7 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 7

Table of contents

            2020 Highlights                                                                                6

            Letter from the Managing Directors                                                             8

            Company profile                                                                                9

            Interenergo Group                                                                             10
            Ownership structure                                                                           11

            Organisational structure                                                                      11
            Significant milestones                                                                        12
            Major events in 2020                                                                          14
            Vision, mission and values                                                                    18
            Corporate governance                                                                          20

            Business report                                                                               24

            Strategic challenges and strategic goals                                                      24
            Business environment analysis                                                                 25
            Business model                                                                                28
            Sustainable development                                                                       29
            Impact on society                                                                             30
            Employees                                                                                     40
            Knowledge and experience                                                                      41
            Environmental liability                                                                       42
            Financial management                                                                          43
            Risk management                                                                               44
            Statement of management’s responsibility                                                      47
 Constant development is needed   Compliance with GRI sustainability reporting standards                  48
 to stay competitive. Quick growth

 needs to be met with constant   Accounting report                                                        54

 adaptation of the organizational   1.  Financial statements of the company                               54
 structure and processes, backed   2.  Notes to the company’s financial statements                        58

 by modern tools.  3.  Independent auditor’s report                                                      104
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