Page 10 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 10

                                                                                                                                                                     Company profile
                                              Letter fr
                                              Letter fr
                                                     om the Managing Dir
            Inter ener go                     Company profileom the managing directors s                                           Inter ener go                     Compan y pr ofile
            Letter from the Managing                                                                                               Company profile

                                                                                                                                   Interenergo, energetski inženiring, d.o.o. (hereinafter also ‘Interenergo’ or ‘Company’) is an international company
                                                                                                                                   engaged in electricity trading, investments in facilities for producing electricity from renewable sources and
                                                                                                                                   energy services.
            Figure: Blaž Šterk and Martin Dolzer               quantitative analytical support. The realized revenue
                                                               from traded electricity has decreased in comparison
                                                               to 2019, and amounted to EUR 459 million in 2020.                    Company name                            Interenergo, energetski inženiring, d. o. o.
                                                               This is almost exclusively the consequence of an
                                                               increased share of financial instruments trading.                    Shortened corporate name                Interenergo, d. o. o.
                                                               Years ago, we included the pillar of energy services                 Company name in English                 Interenergo, energy engineering, Ltd.
                                                               in the portfolio of activities with the aim of increasing
                                                               resilience. From the beginning almost five years ago,                Shortened company name in English       Interenergo Ltd.
                                                               we have managed to become a significant player in
                                                               Slovenia, and last year we expanded to the market of                 Registered office                       Tivolska cesta 48, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
                                                               North Macedonia. We have 27 systems in operation
                                                               from a wide range of different technologies.                         Telephone                               +386 (0)1 620 37 00
                                                               Constant development is needed to maintain                           Website                       
                                                               competitiveness. Rapid growth must be accompanied
                                                               by the adaptation of the organisational structure                    E-mail                        
            Agility, resilience, long-term sustainability. These   and processes, which must be supported by modern                 Establishment                           25 July 2006
            simple words are at the core of our genetic code.   tools. Automation and digitization of processes are
            As a result, 2020 was quite ordinary. Traditionally,   our daily task. Without the right information, there             Core business activity                  35.111 – Production of electricity in hydropower plants
            we operated with success and exceeded our goals.   are  no  sensible business  decisions.  Therefore,
            We faced the unusual global challenges of the year   developing and upgrading our BI system is a never-                 Ownership                               KI-Kelag International, GmbH, 100 percent equity interest
            without any negative impact on our business.       ending story.
                                                                                                                                    Share capital                           10.200.000 EUR
            Despite special circumstances, the Interenergo Group   What we missed most in 2020 were our co-workers.
            completed the construction of the Vrbnica SHPP in   Contact via the screen cannot replace a live meeting                Tax ID no.                              SI99144590
            Montenegro, and took over 2 SHPPs in Serbia and a   and the flow of energies triggered by it. Although we               Company ID no.                          2226405000
            wind farm in Croatia. Poor hydrological conditions in   fully trust our employees, even if they work from
            the region have had a negative impact on electricity   home, we will continue to promote genuine human
            production at our Group’s hydropower plants. This   contact in a safe way, as we see corporate culture as
            further solidifies our decision to diversify the portfolio   the main long-term competitive advantage.                 The management of Interenergo consists of two Managing Directors and two Holders of Procuration, who
            of production plants as much as possible in terms   If we take the slogan The future is electric, green and            direct the operation and development of the parent company Interenergo and its subsidiaries. The company’s
            of technology as well as geographical distribution.   digital and add a proactive, motivated, connected and            operations are supervised by a four-member Supervisory Board, which approved a new Chairman and Deputy
            In 2020, we invested EUR 37 million in renewable   creative team to it, we cover all our key strategic                 Chairman at the end of 2020.
            sources.                                           emphases of what to do and how to achieve our
            We  are  pursuing  similar  goals  in  the  field  of   goals. What is missing is the answer to the question             Management Board:                                  Supervisory Board:
            electricity trading activities, where we are introducing   why. Because the marginal utility of our activities is
            additional business models to adapt to the needs of   sustainably positive.                                              Managing Director     Blaž Šterk                   Chairman              Danny Güthlein
            energy markets and their development. We see an                                                                          Managing Director     Martin Dolzer                Deputy Chairman       Manfred Freitag
            opportunity in the segment of services that connect                                                                      Holder of Procuration   Ingo Preiss                Member                Christian Schwarz
            production and consumption. We are developing                         Blaž Šterk and Martin Dolzer
            trading to increase automation with algorithmic and                                                                      Holder of Procuration   Alfred Fürst               Member                Bernd Neuner

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                  Integrated Annual Report 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Integrated Annual Report 2020
                                 eport 2020
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