Page 12 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 12

Interenergo                       Company profile                                                                      Interenergo                       Company profile

            Interenergo Group                                                                                                       Ownership structure

            Figure: Interenergo Group                                                                                              Since 2009, Interenergo has been part of the Austrian Kelag Group, which is one of the leading renewable energy
                                                                                                                                   companies in Central Europe and is majority-owned by Kärntner Energieholding Beteiligungs GmbH, owned by
                                                                                                                                   the Austrian state of Carinthia and the international energy group RWE.

                                                                                                                                    Organisational structure

                                       100%                   100%                  100%

                                                                                                                                    Figure: Organisational structure

                                                                                             Interenergo d.o.o.
                                                                                              PJ Banja Luka
                                                                                                                                                   Management support services                 Business support services
                                                                                             Interenergo d.o.o.
                                                                                              Czech Branch
                                                                                                                                                             General affairs                             Accounting

                                                                                                                                                            Legal department                        Back office and Finance
                    Lumbardhi   100%       Interenergo d.o.o.  100%  PLC Interenergo d.o.o.   100%  Interenergo
                  Beteiligumgs GmbH          Sarajevo                 Beograd                Makedonija d.o.o.e.l.
                                                                                                                                                            Risk management                              Controlling
                                          EHE d.o.o. Banja Luka  100%  Hidrowatt d.o.o. Beograd
                                         (Novakovići, Zapeće, Medna)  (Poštica)
                 KelKos Energy Sh.p.k.     EHE d.o.o. PJ Mala      Hydro Ljutina d.o.o.
                  (Lumbardhi I, Belaje,   hidroelektrana Novakovići  (Radanovići, Cernetići)
                  Decan, Lumbardhi II)                                                                                                         Investments, production
                                                               RS                      NMK                                                        and maintenance                Trading                 Energy services
                  Interenergo d.o.o.  100%  EHE d.o.o. PJ Mala
                  - Kosova SH.P.K.        hidroelektrana Zapeće
             XK                                                                                                                                        Investments                  Trading
                                           EHE d.o.o. PJ Mala                    100%  70%   MHE Vrbnica d.o.o.,
                                          hidroelektrana Medna   Vjetropark Jasenice d.o.o.
                                                                      (Jasenice)              Podgorica (Vrbnica)                                                              Long-term trading
                                                                                                                                                      Production and
                                          Inter – Energo d.o.o.  100%                                                                                  maintenance             Short-term trading
                   EKO-TOPLOTA  100%    G. Vakuf (Ružnovac, Derala, Jelići,   Solarne elektrane  100%                                                                          Intraday trading
                  energetika d.o.o.       Sastavci, Duboki Potok)   Bukovica d.o.o.
                                                                                                                                                                               Quantitative trading
                                                                 Vjetroelektrana Orjak d.o.o.  100%
                  Ekoenergo d.o.o. 1                                   (Orjak)                                                                                                     Analytics
                                100%                               Solarne elektrane   100%                                                                                    Market analysis
                 OSEN TOPLOTA d.o.o.                                  Nin d.o.o.                                                                                               Quantitative analysis
             SI                       BA                       HR                      ME
                                                                                                                                                                               Trading operations
               Trading  Energy services  Investments  Branch office  Several segments                                                                                          Supply operations
                                                                                                                                                                               Renewable electricity
            1  Energetika Šentrupert, d. o. o., has been renamed to Ekoenergo, d. o. o.

            10    Integrated Annual Report 2020                                                                                                                                                       Integrated Annual Report 2020  11
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