Page 32 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 32

                                                                                                                                                                     Business report
                                              Business report
            Inter ener go                     Business r eport                                                                     Interenergo                       Business r eport
            Impact on society

            Key stakeholders

            Stakeholders                 Added value                          How we include them                                  Stakeholders                 Added value                          How we include them

                                         •   Timely and reliable delivery                                                                                       •   Transfer of knowledge and
                                         •   Compliance with business         •   Transparent and non-                                                             experience
                                                                                 discriminatory sales procedures
                                                                                                                                      Professional and
                  Customers                 agreements                                                                                trade associations        •   Increase in power                •   Active participation
                                         •   Harmonized terms of sale         •   Compliance with the Kelag Group                                               •   Financial contributions
                                                                                 Code of Ethics
                                         •   Long-term cooperation

                                                                              •   Regular communication                                                         •   Settlement of financial liabilities
                                         •   Reliability                      •   Professional and technical                                                    •   Clear criteria for the selection of   •   Transparent cooperation
                                         •   Regular electricity supply          support                                                                           subcontractors                    •   Agreements in the contract
                End consumers                                                                                                             Suppliers
                                         •   Safety                           •   Prompt response time                                                          •   Consistent settlement of agreed   •   Non-discriminatory procurement
                                         •   Competitiveness                  •   Information about novelties and                                                  obligations                          procedures
                                                                                 system delivery                                                                •   Long-term relationships

                                         •   Sponsorships and donations                                                                                                                              •   Supervisory Board meetings
                                            to business, cultural, scientific,   •   Consistent observance of                                                   •   Relevant and timely information   •   Participation of Kelag’s
               Local and broader            sports and other events              applicable regulations                                    Owner                •   Performance that leads to profit    employees in decisionmaking
                  community              •   New jobs                         •   Appropriate cooperation with                                                     pay-out                           •   Participation in joint projects and
                                                                                 energy, financial and other
                                         •   Availability of electricity from    regulators                                                                     •   Effective corporate governance      workshops
                                            renewable sources                                                                                                                                        •   Meetings

                                         •   Regular and up-to-date                                                                                             •   Compliance with regulations      •
                                            information on performance        •   Maintaining a constructive                                                                                            Consistent observance of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        applicable regulations
                                            results of the Company and its       relationship based on the idea                                                 •   Provision of quality access to
                    Media                   subsidiaries                         that actions speak louder than                       State authorities            electricity                       •   Appropriate cooperation with
                                         •   Regular communication about         words                                                                          •   Sound and fair behaviour on the     energy, financial and other
                                            ongoing activities                                                                                                     market

            30    Integr ated Annual R eport 2020                                                                                                                                                     Integr ated Annual R eport 2020  31
                  Integrated Annual Report 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Integrated Annual Report 2020
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