Page 27 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
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Interenergo Business report Interenergo Business report
Business report Business environment analysis
Strategic challenges and The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with rigorous will depend on the course of the epidemic and the
severity of the containment measures, as well as
health and protection measures, severely affected
strategic goals global economic activity in 2020. Strict measures to the differences in the structure of the economies
curb the spread of coronavirus have led to a marked
and the responses of each country’s internal
decline in economic activity due to the cessation
policies. The recovery will be limited over the next
of non-essential operations and hampered the two years due to continual tackling of the epidemic
accomplishments of other service activities. To and perpetual uncertainty, but will be supported by
The current global reality is marked by responses extent, also energy consumption. A huge financial lessen the negative effects of the pandemic, extensive large financial packages agreed at national and EU
to the pandemic and awareness of resilience to stimulus as a pandemic mitigator and at the same packages of measures have been adopted at the levels, increased public investment and state aid to
such stress, climate change challenges, and a time a potential cure for the deficit in global demand national level and within the European Central Bank businesses and residents, and monetary stimulus
lack of response to the sustainability of the global is looking for new investment opportunities and thus and the European Commission to mitigate the loss of policies. The rapid introduction and widespread use
economic paradigm. While the pandemic has no spilling over into the energy markets. economic and household incomes, provide liquidity of an effective vaccine or rapid progress in treatment
significant long-term impact on energy activity, as it As an active electricity trader and investor in and support the recovery of economic activity. will significantly improve the prospects for higher
currently only complicates operations and indirectly production resources, we are constantly adapting These measures significantly mitigate the decline in economic growth in 2021.
negatively or in some cases even positively affects to new realities. We are also trying to think of ideas economic activity and are vital for restarting activity. The biggest risk for the realization of the estimated
the profitability of certain business models, the other for reducing financial incentives for renewables. With the gradual easing of containment measures growth of Slovenia’s economic activity is related to
two challenges are key to the direction of business However, our strategy is based on the premise that, in 2021, economic activity in Slovenia and globally the epidemiological situation inside the country and
in the end, performance is what makes the difference could begin to recover, but isn’t expected to return the epidemiological situation in its important trading
The EU’s commitment to medium-term CO neutrality between winners and losers. The foundation of a to pre-pandemic levels before 2022. The depth of partners. Another important aspect is to gradually
through policies has a direct impact on the structure good performance is human capital, which achieves the decline and the speed of recovery in 2021 and and thoughtfully withdraw measures to mitigate the
and development of energy. Policy directives to extreme effects through appropriate personnel 2022 will vary greatly from country to country and effects of the epidemic. 2
promote renewables and green technologies through selection and good management due to team synergy.
subsidies, CO schemes, co-financing of hydrogen For effective tactical implementation, modern tools
technology development projects, etc. affect the must be used, and that is where digitalization comes Table: Estimation and forecast of GDP growth
structure of production resources and, to a lesser in.
Real GDP growth rate in % 2019 2020e 2021p 2022p
Slovenia 3.20 -6.60 4.30 4.40
Euro zone 1.30 -7.20 4.20 3.60
Globally 2.80 -3.50 5.50 4.20
Note: e – estimate, p – projection.
Source: UMAR, Winter forecast of economic trends 2020.
24 Integrated Annual Report 2020 Integrated Annual Report 2020 25