Page 37 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 37
Interenergo Business report Interenergo Business report
Production of electricity Units in operation from renewable sources, both locally and in the
wider environment. We want to contribute to climate
In the field of hydropower, our subsidiary in protection and transition to a green and digital future
Electricity produced by the Group in GWh Electricity produced by the Company in GWh Montenegro completed the construction of the of energy.
in the years 2016–2020 in the years 2016–2020 HPP Vrbnica with a nominal capacity of 6.8 MW,
and our Serbian subsidiary acquired a 100% stake The portfolio of solar power plants in Slovenia
remained unchanged. The total nominal capacity of
in Hydro Ljutina, d.o.o., which operates two small
hydropower plants on the Ljutina River in Serbia, with the Group’s solar power plants was 2.86 MW on 31
December 2020, producing 2.8 GWh of electricity
153.1 3.0 3.0 a production capacity of 1.84 MW. With these new this year.
acquisitions, our Group is increasing our portfolio
138.5 2.9 of small hydropower plants and our reputation Units in development
as a professional and reliable company. With our
121.1 2.8 knowledge base and employees, we enable optimal In the coming years, the Interenergo Group has a
operation of hydroelectric power plants, which we
regularly maintain for optimal electricity production. plan for several projects in the field of solar energy
at home and abroad. In Slovenia, we will develop
2.5 As of 31 December 2020, the Group had 16 operating several solar power plants and build at least two
production units in the Balkans with a total nominal with a nominal capacity between 3 and 5 MW in
capacity of 58.84 MW. the years 2021/2022. Two solar power plants in
43.9 In the field of wind energy, the production capacity Croatia are under development with a total installed
capacity of 15 MW and the planned start of operation
of electricity generation facilities in our Group
40.6 increased by 10.25 MW. In cooperation with the in 2021/2022. We also plan to develop solar power
parent Group, we took over a 100% stake in the plants in the Balkans, one in North Macedonia with
company Vjetroelektrana Orjak, d.o.o., which will 10 MW, and the other in Serbia with 5 MW of installed
now be managed by Interenergo Group. The wind capacity.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 farm, which comprises five windmills, is located near In the field of wind farms, the capacity of the Jasenice
Split in Croatia and produces 25 GWh of electricity wind farm in Croatia, which was built in 2019, will
Prevention of CO₂ emissions through production Number of trees needed to absorb the saved annually and supplies around 7,000 households be expanded in 2021. In North Macedonia we will
from RES in tons emissions with clean energy. This is our second wind project develop a wind farm with 30 MW of installed capacity,
in Croatia. construction is expected to begin in 2021. We are
In 2020, we intensively developed wind projects in also planning the development of two wind farms
Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia. Our in Slovenia and the acquisition and development of
2019 2020 2020 development and investments are part of a strategy a 50 MW wind farm in the Federation of Bosnia and
aimed at strengthening the production of electricity Herzegovina.
47,622 46,018 1,380,540
The electricity produced by the Interenergo Group in We are constantly strengthening and expanding the
2020 was 121.1 GWh, which is 13 percent less than in range of projects for which we perform feasibility
2019, despite the low hydrology and the approximate analyses. In 2020, we invested mainly in hydro and
25% drop in planned quantities. By investing in wind energy projects, and we actively researched
development projects for the production of electricity the market of solar projects in the field of solar
with associated companies, headquartered in eight energy, especially in Croatia and North Macedonia.
countries across Europe, Interenergo pursues We continued to digitize maintenance processes and
its core values of environmental friendliness. By automate operations.
generating electricity from RES, we saved 46,018
tons of CO₂ emissions in 2020, which is equivalent
to the amount absorbed annually by 1,380,540 trees.
34 Integrated Annual Report 2020 Integrated Annual Report 2020 35