Page 101 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 101

Interenergo  Accounting report  Interenergo  Accounting report

 Business transactions with related parties  Financial transactions with related parties

 Receivables  Liabilities  Receivables  Liabilities   Financial receivables  Financial liabilities  Finance income  Finance costs
             in EUR                   31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019  2020  2019  2020  2019
 in EUR  31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019  2020  2019  2020  2019
             Parent companies
 Parent companies
               KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-AG, AT  0  0  2,500,000    0        0         0     1,228      0
 KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-AG, AT  2,438,438  976,486  46,841  36,198  144,646,530  158,286,643  84,109,946  122,879,990
               KI-KELAG International GmbH, AT  0     0  60,427,190  23,824,923  0        0   1,213,818  861,400
 KI-KELAG International GmbH, AT  0  0  88,652  84,668  0  0  175,784  166,712
               EHE d.o.o. , BA         30,117,122  13,447,354  0       0   1,669,982  920,857      0       0
 EHE d.o.o. , BA  18,525  11,874  90  129  14,146  7,023  967  1,913
               Interenergo Makedonija d.o.o.e.l., MK  908,826  0  0    0      8,826       0        0       0
 Interenergo d.o.o. , BA  2,235,108  1,292,672  2,834,111  1,686,133  16,159,296  25,225,391  17,955,707  26,239,408
               LSB Elektrane d.o.o., BA      0  20,612,718     0       0    306,706  1,243,425     0       0
 PLC Interenergo d.o.o., RS  7,865  0  52,127  42,381  7,865  0  94,508  56,508
               Inter-Energo d.o.o., BA       0        0        0       0        0     66,853       0       0
 Interenergo Makedonija d.o.o.e.l., MK  5,934,914  1,525,635  3,258,642  1,246,679  29,013,244  23,144,592  26,257,243  22,308,413
               MHE Vrbnica d.o.o., ME   8,276,817  6,971,323   0       0    431,004  307,784       0       0
 LSB Elektrane d.o.o., BA  0  156,949  0  0  3,912  22,114  0  0
               Interenergo d.o.o.-Kosova Sh.p.k., XK  13,560  6,084  0  0      476      249        0       0
 Inter-Energo d.o.o., BA  0  0  0  0  212  9,753  0  0
               Eko-toplota energetika d.o.o., SI  3,282,757  2,261,179  0  0  125,935  85,750      0       0
 MHE Vrbnica d.o.o., ME  493,893  427,335  0  0  66,558  68,354  0  0
               Vjetropark Jasenice d.o.o., HR  10,758,968  10,674,005  0  0  458,968  305,810      0       0
 KelKos Energy Sh.p.k., XK  21,258  31,600  0  0  21,258  31,283  0  0
               Zarja ekoenergija d.o.o., SI  0   1,443,138     0       0        0     49,142       0       0
 Eko-toplota energetika d.o.o., SI  11,117  4,079  0  0  30,082  13,564  0  0
               Solarne elektrane Bukovica d.o.o, HR  125,778  47,775  0  0    3,003     120        0       0
 Vjetropark Jasenice d.o.o., HR  0  257,376  0  0  14,673  192,756  0  0
               Hydro Ljutina d.o.o., RS  6,090,445    0        0       0    170,445       0        0       0
 Zarja ekoenergija d.o.o., SI  0  0  0  0  0  2,858  0  0
               Ekoenergo d.o.o., SI     1,048,030     0        0       0      7,997       0        0       0
 Solarne elektrane Bukovica d.o.o, HR  42,132  0  0  0  42,132  0  0  0
               Vjetroelektrana Orjak d.o.o., HR  10,791,593  0  0      0     21,217       0        0       0
 Hydro Ljutina d.o.o., RS  4,446  0  0  0  7,278  0  0  0
               Total                   71,413,895  55,463,576  62,927,190  23,824,923  3,204,559  2,979,989  1,215,047  861,400
 Vjetroelektrana Orjak d.o.o., HR  1,133  0  0  0  1,133  0  0  0
 Other related parties
            The balance of guarantees received from parent companies as at 31 December 2020 was as follows:
 Windfarm Balchik 1 OOD, BG  4,087  0  0  0  4,087  0  0  0
 Windfarm Balchik 2 OOD, BG  4,087  0  0  0  4,087  0  0  0  •   corporate guarantee by KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-AG in the amount of EUR 7,000,000 (2019: EUR
                7,000,000), and
 Windfarm Balchik 4 OOD, BG  4,087  0  0  0  4,087  0  0  0
 Total  11,221,089  4,684,005  6,280,463  3,096,188 190,040,579 207,004,331 128,594,155 171,652,943  •   corporate  guarantee  by  KI-KELAG  International  GmbH  in  the  amount  of  EUR  15,750,000  (2019:  EUR

            2.7      Contingent liabilities

            Company’s contingent liabilities comprise performance bonds and bid bonds, as well as bank and corporate
            guarantees for insuring timely payment.

             in EUR                                                               31 Dec 2020     31 Dec 2019

             Contingent liabilities                                                16,943,881      16,802,062
               Bank guarantees issued                                               16,771,836      16,749,494
               Bills of exchange issued                                               172,045          52,568

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