Page 18 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 18
Company profile
y pr
Inter ener go Compan y pr ofile Interenergo Company profile
July October
• We signed a contract with the Municipality of Benedikt according • We signed the first stand-alone Power Purchasing Agreement
to the model of public-private partnership, in line with which we (PPA) for the purchase of electricity from wind farms in Hungary,
energetically renovated public lighting and lighting in the sports with a total nominal capacity of 10 MW and approximate annual
hall of the Municipality of Benedikt. production of 27 GWh.
• We took over the management of the district heating system in • Company Eko-toplota energetika, d.o.o., took over the company
the municipality of Idrija. Energetika Šentrupert, d.o.o. (hereinafter: Ekoenergo, d.o.o.),
which increased the portfolio of district heating systems
• We signed a concession agreement with School Centre Kranj
for the comprehensive energy rehabilitation of the Secondary managed by the Interenergo Group. At the same time, the
School of Economics, Services and Construction. Consistent company Zarja ekoenergija, d.o.o., merged with the company
with the energy contracting model, we renovated the school and Eko-toplota energetika, d.o.o., which now operates three wood
gym in the size of 5,447 m , where we upgraded the old boiler biomass district heating systems.
room to extra light heating oil (ELKO) with energy efficient boiler
room, replaced old inefficient lights with LED lights, installed a
central control system of the entire building, insulated the attic,
installed new joinery and glazed the facade.
• We developed a reliable technical solution for the simultaneous
production of heat and electricity (CHP) for the company DEOS. • At the Environmental Meeting conference, we received an
In addition to the two existing gas boilers, we upgraded two CHP award in the category of Environmentally Friendly Service for
plants, which will cover 75 percent of the thermal needs of the the project “Use of artificial intelligence in heat production for
building, and the gas boilers will only be used for covering the a remote system”.
• The small hydroelectric power plant Vrbnica in Montenegro with
a nominal capacity of 6.8 MW started operating.
August December
• Our company in North Macedonia acquired a project for the • We took over a 100% ownership share of the company
energy renovation of public lighting in the municipality of Radoviš Vjetroelektrana Orjak, d.o.o., which owns a wind farm in Croatia.
in North Macedonia. This is our first project in the field of energy
services abroad. • We took over a 100% ownership share in the company Osen
toplota, d.o.o., which ensures the production and supply of
thermal energy with a wood biomass district heating system in
the municipality of Pivka.
• We took over an 80 % ownership share of the company Solarne
elektrane Nin, d.o.o., in Croatia.
16 Integr ated Annual R eport 2020 Integr ated Annual R eport 2020 17
Integrated Annual Report 2020
Integrated Annual Report 2020