Collaborating with Serbian municipalities, six projects for the renovation of public lighting systems have been implemented thus far. The replacement of many outdated lights and significant energy and economic savings are just some of their positive results.
Building upon the efforts towards a green future, we continue the development of similar projects in 2024. We began the year by signing two new contracts for the renovation of public lighting with the cities of Užice and Valjevo. Like others, these two projects also bring substantial energy and financial savings as well as environmental benefits not only to the municipalities but to the entire western region of Serbia.
Following the implementation of the project, the city of Užice expects more than 4,000 MWh of annual electricity savings, which will significantly contribute to reducing CO2 emissions by over 4,500 tons per year.
In the city of Valjevo, which is the largest city Interenergo has collaborated with so far, significant savings are also expected. The installation of nearly 12,000 new efficient lights will bring the city 4,600 MWh of energy savings per year and reduce CO2 emissions by 5,116 tons.
"The investments will bring long-term benefits to the cities and their residents, while also representing an important example of how innovative solutions and partnerships can contribute to improving infrastructure and the quality of life in local governments,” said Mr. Miloš Kosić, the economic advisor in the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Serbia.
However, the public lighting renovation projects go beyond short-term benefits. As calculations for the 15-year contract period show, replacing approximately 22,000 lights in both cities will bring around 130 GWh of energy savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions by more than 145,000 tons.
Upon the contract signing, Siniša Janjušević, our Country Manager, emphasized: "In addition to investing in infrastructure, the projects also represent an investment in a better future for the cities. Their implementation will lead to significant improvements in energy efficiency and more efficient resource utilization, along with the creation of a more sustainable environment. "
These projects represent a significant enrichment of Interenergo's portfolio of public lighting renovation projects. We remain committed to developing a sustainable energy system across the entire region by improving energy efficiency in various technical solution areas, which, in addition to efficient lighting systems, also include renovations of cooling and heating systems and rooftop solar power plants to achieve energy self-sufficiency.