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Bartec Varnost

About the project

  • With Bartec Varnost we successfully collaborated in two energy services projects, including lighting system and heating renovation. 
  • At the company premises, we have revamped the outdated boiler room, which heats 2.514 m2 and operates between 8 and 16 hours a day.

Project Results and benefits

  • Annual energy savings: 59.3 MWh
  • Annual CO2 savings: 121.74
  • Trees saved: 3,652 
  • High financial savings meeting the contractual savings goals
  • Possibility of system managers’ swift response to customer needs

Statement of a partner

The head of production in this company, Sašo Marn, is also aware of the importance of these projects: “We decided to renovate our lighting and heating systems with the desire to save money and provide better working conditions for our employees. Energy contracting has led to the most significant savings with new lighting in the company's premises, which our employees are also satisfied with.”